Tuesday Prayer ONLINE
Tue, Nov 8th 12pm - 12:30pm

We gather online for 30 minutes of praying the scriptures, a prayer practice called Lectio Divina. We read a brief passage of scripture four times, and we pray in meditative silence in between. The practice was first used in the 6th Century for communing with God. We also briefly greet one another and share personal prayer requests. Come to feel grounded, purposeful, and held by God's love! To join, copy and paste the following address into your web browser, or click 'details' below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3722949733?pwd=SjZ2YmEzNDdnNkNGejM2RXhiTVNpUT09 Meeting ID: 372 294 9733 Passcode: 11111