offering our gifts to god

Thank you for your generosity. Your gifts support our ministries as we seek to live fully in God's love and carry God's love into our community. Gifts can be mailed to the church office (494 Route 10, Whippany, NJ 07981) or made online below.

We find joy and peace in our common calling to be Christ's Body in the world God loves.

Planned Giving Opportunities

There are many ways to support the mission of the church and achieve your charitable giving goals. When considering a charitable gift, please consult your financial and legal advisors to discuss plans and potential tax advantages. 

IRA Charitable Distribution

(eligible for donors over 70 ½ years old)

This is ideal for IRA owners taking distributions and your gift can be counted toward your required minimum distributions.

  • Your gift must be transferred directly from your IRA to First Presbyterian Church of Whippany
  • Gifts cannot exceed $100,000 per taxpayer per year.

Gift of Appreciated Mutual Funds or Stock

If you give stocks, bonds, or mutual funds you have owned for at least one year, you may be eligible for a deduction based on the mean market value of the security on the date that First Presbyterian Church receives it. You can utilize this deduction for up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income and carry forward any unused portion for up to five additional tax years. Please contact Church Office at before you initiate any stock or mutual fund donations.

It is that simple!

The win-win result of giving appreciated stock is:

  • First Presbyterian Church receives a gift as good as cash that will be used for God's work.
  • Donors receive a charitable tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock.

Estate Plans

  • Charitable Bequest: Through your will you can name First Presbyterian Church as the beneficiary of a portion of your estate or of particular assets in your estate.
  • Charitable remainder trusts

Retirement Plans

  • You can name First Presbyterian Church (“FPC”) as a beneficiary of the remainder or a percentage of the remainder of your IRA, 401(k), tax-sheltered annuity, qualified pension, or profit-sharing plan.
  • For some people, retirement accounts can be the most highly taxed assets they own, since retirement-plan assets may be subject to both estate and income taxes. Whippany First Presbyterian Church is a tax-exempt institution, so when you name the church as a beneficiary of your qualified retirement plan, these assets can pass to FPC without being taxed.
  • To make this gift, you can simply notify your plan’s administrator of your wish to change the beneficiary. Complete your plan administrator’s “change of beneficiary” form. Please contact the Church Office at for the First Presbyterian tax identification number/(EIN).
  • If your spouse and children are currently the beneficiaries of your retirement plan, you can continue to keep them as beneficiaries, and also include First Presbyterian Church as the beneficiary of a portion of the plan. When distributions are made, the plan administrator can “cash out” FPC’s share of the account without affecting your family’s portion of the account, so that First Presbyterian Church of Whippany, and your heirs, benefit from your retirement savings.