Join us for Worship

Sundays at 10:15 AM

All Ages

We are a friendly, warm congregation where the participation of children and youth is celebrated. Our worship includes scripture readings, music, and a sermon to focus our minds and hearts on God. We share our joys and concerns during the Prayers of the People, and we celebrate the Sacrament of Communion every first Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome at the Communion Table.

We often hear the sound of piano, organ, guitar, hand bells, flute, and choirs in worship, and members of all ages are encouraged to share their musical gifts. Our beloved Senior Choir offers inspiring anthems. Our Praise Band leads contemporary praise music once a month! Listen to some of our favorites on our FPC Whippany Praise Songs Spotify playlist.

Children and youth are invited to attend Sunday School after 'A Time for Children and Youth.' Young children and infants are welcome to attend worship with their caregivers. We love the sound of babies and children in worship--there is no need to feel nervous about bringing them!

You are invited to greet Pastor Sarah after worship. 

We have one worship service, and some join us in-person and some join us online, for ZOOM worship. We call it 'hybrid worship.' We share greetings across the digital distance during the passing of the peace and the Prayers of the People. Details for joining worship online are found here.